Legal Documentation

Central Government Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA)

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Public Sector Mapping Agreement

All Ordnance Survey base maps have been provided under the Public Sector Mapping Agreement with the Ordnance Survey and are subject to Ordnance Survey copyright. The base mapping should only be used for the purpose of displaying data sets from the MAGIC information resource.

Ordnance Survey raster datasets available in MAGIC

MAGIC contains five scales of Ordnance Survey raster base mapping – VectorMap Local, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:250,000 and MiniScale® maps, displayed at a range of scales:

Raster Dataset Minimum Scale Maximum Scale Version Date
MiniScale® 1:250,051 1:2,500,000 2018
1:250,000 1:62,501 1:250,050 2018
1:50,000 1:25,051 1:62,500 2018
1:25,000 1:10,051 1:25,050 2018
VectorMap Local 1:101 1:10,050 2018

You will notice that every VectorMap Local Ordnance Survey map you view in MAGIC has a watermarked logo in the background. This is an essential requirement to protect the copyright of the Ordnance Survey mapping and of the information contained in MAGIC. You should never try and remove the watermark from any print or screen capture.

Example of watermark
Ordnance Survey vector datasets available in MAGIC

The default Map Search in the Interactive map (County, Place or Postcode) uses datasets derived from Boundary-Line™, OS Open Names and OS Code-Point.

Vector Dataset Version Date
Boundary-Line™ 2012
OS Open Names October 2020
OS Code-Point January 2025
Ordnance Survey Website

Further details about these products can be found on the Ordnance Survey website.

Terms of Use
Intellectual Property Disclaimer

The MAGIC application contains information which belongs to other parties. Users must ensure that any use of information does not breach the owner's copyright. If it is unclear whether any particular use is permissible a user should contact the copyright owner. The information supplied on MAGIC is updated periodically by the organisations that provide it. Users must check that any information accessed is current and addresses any specific purpose for which they propose to use it. Data supplied to MAGIC will have been captured for a specific purpose, at a scale relevant to this purpose. This does not guarantee that the data is fit for any other purpose.

General Disclaimer

The materials contained on this website are of a general, informational, nature. We have used reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the contents of the pages on this site but the information does not constitute advice and must not be relied on as such.

To the fullest extent allowed by law, Defra and the MAGIC partner organisations will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or inconvenience of any nature whatsoever caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages. Links to other sites from these pages are for information only and Defra and the MAGIC partner organisations accept no responsibility or liability for access to, or the material on, any site which is linked from or to this site. We periodically review web links to ensure that sites can be accessed. If, however, you have difficulties accessing a site we would like to know. Please contact with full details.

Defra and the MAGIC partner organisations do not endorse or accept responsibility for the material of any website referred to or accessed through this site.